Breathe a sigh of relief at the workplace

Under our “Clean Office” brand, we offer innovative filter solutions specifically for the workplace. Riensch & Held of Hamburg was founded in 1845 and specializes in the manufacture of filters. In addition to a wide range of products, we also offer our customers brainstorming, development and design of high-performance filter types and styles. All products are “Made in Germany” and are manufactured at the Riensch & Held factory in Hamburg.

Junior Sales & Product Manager

That’s why fine dust filters are so important for your everyday life

In many offices, laser printers and copiers are located in the immediate vicinity of workstations. During printing and copying, toner is applied to the paper with great heat and excess toner dust is blown directly into the workstation environment via the exhaust vent. The air we breathe in the office is therefore constantly enriched with fine toner dust. This problem is scientifically documented. To date, there are no legal provisions limiting this health hazard in the workplace. However, there are highly efficient filters of the CLEAN OFFICE brand, the effectiveness of which has been proven by certified laboratories. You can find more articles on the topic of fine dust filiter in everyday life in our News section.